Hello Lovelies,
I'm very excited to say I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Awards by the lovely
Amy from Marzipan Stairway.
I haven't heard of the award before I got nominated for it so I'm really excited to pass it on!! Anyway the rules areee:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and give them a shout on your blog with a link to their blog.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Send on the award to 15 other bloggers whose blogs you appreciate and then let them know that they have won the award :)
My Random fact number 1. The only 2 people who know about my blog is my close friend Sophie and my boyfriend Mitch, but I wont let Mitch look at my blog =/ Bad girlfriend?
2. I'm very shy and at times awkward to talk to.
3. My most recent obsession is buying pairs of shorts, weird? I know.
4. I tell my mum everything, She could easily be my bestfriend.
5. I absolutely love wrapping presents, I begged my mum to let me wrap her presents for her.
6. It takes me ages in the morning to get dressed and believe I don't have enough clothes even though I can't fit anymore clothes in my wardrobe :)
7. I love doing crafty things.
The 15 blogs I adore in no particular order are:
11. Jessica
Eee, thank you for the nomination!
I love your blog too!
And thanks for the list of other blogs, I'm now following a whole lot more people!
Ahhh thanks for nominating me! I love your blog and I'm so excited to see more posts! <3
And Merry Christmas to you!!
Thank you so so much molly! :) Totally just made my day! I'm going to be doing a 10 facts you didnt know about me post very soon and i'll be sure to mention you in the post! :)
Totes agree with you- there is something so satisfying about wrapping up a present nicely :)
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